
Projects and Publications

Alexander Werner

My interest in robotics are in two fields: I work at RoboHub of the University of Waterloo. You can contact me at e-mail address.

VR/Multi-view mobile teleoperation with haptic feedback

Workshop on the Talos humanoid robot

Series elastic robot walking over obstacles

Humanoid Robots in Aircraft Manufacturing

Enhancing Series Elastic Actuators with Damping

Spring/Damper Testbed
Test setup for new spring damper component.

C-Runner: Dynamic Walking Experiments

C-Runner: Concept and Design

Multi-Contact Planning and Control

C-Runner: First Walking Experiments

Picking Objects from a Table

Generalization of Optimal Walking Trajectories


Control Applications of Toro

Robotics Library

Robot Visualization The library implements the basic building blocks for robotics research: The listed features is combined to a simulation environment. The library is implemented in Eigen, all algorithms are templated and can be used with automatic differentiation. Simulation and on-line dynamics are used in various systems throughout the institute. The library is also the basis for my motion planning works.

EMG based Tele-operation

Trajectory Optimization for Series Elastic Joints (SEA)

Legged Humanoid Robot from DLR

Toro development stanges

Christmas Videos with Toro, DEOS and HMI

DLR Biped Walking using Optimal Trajectories